Wednesday, December 19, 2007

llamabamastrama obama?

I am getting really bad at writing a complete entry and becoming distracted...and clicking 'x'. Meh, oh well. I suppose it just isn't that important to say if I can delete it so fast, right?

I'm sick. It sucks. It was bound to happen though. I've been 'puny' for a while but now its flat out "take me to a field and shoot me" kind of sick. Which makes things horrible because I am pitiful when I become ill. It probably doesn't help that when I get sick I get sick..if that makes sense. All I want to do is sleep. It is frustrating to get up from napping, drive across town for work, get there to have them tell you that you a)arn't supposed to be there b)be there later or c)just be complete bitches to I need a new job. Jerry has enforced that idea, especially today.
Anyways, I have a perana for a dog I have concluded. I'm sitting here watching him chew the shit out of his plastic chew toy. He has ate all the little spikey things off the toy so it no longer squeaks, which I suppose I cant argue with but seriously..damn dog. Its just Tuck and I this week primarily. Allison is going home tomorrow, Morgan is not here and well its better if Colleen is not here. After what she pulled last week and has still not confronted me about...but continutes to talk shit to everyone else...brave honey, brave. I'm ready to go home though for a few days. Christmas will be interesting considering my family is not really celebrating christmas. It is frustrating to have dad and brandon get huge presents and I know I am getting my moms new/old camera...and that's all. Call me spoiled but it really hurts my feelings that Dad got the new mac book pro, brandon got the empala and the flat screen..and I asked for a new camera and mom just gives me hers haha..oh well, she doesn't use it and I love's very nice. I really just want/need money though, so I'd be happy with a check.
Jerry took me last weekend to pick out the type of engagment ring I would want..that was exciting but after what happened last christmas and our trip to Chicago I am not getting my hopes up for anything...but it was still exciting. Blah. I hate sitting at home by myself. I guess I could start doing some baking, but I dont really feel like it...;alkdjf;oierf;lkjfad;lksmca;dkjareoiw *cough sniff achooo*
