Saturday, January 26, 2008


Well Andrew, I might as well just write this too you as you are probably the only person that reads this.

I'm at another one of my great over nights. At least I get to go home in like 40 minutes. I doubt I will go home and sleep much. I have to go get Tucker from Kari's apartment then go home and clean up the house because it is a disaster and make sure that the mini fridge is clean because my father is coming up today to get it and go to lunch with me. This will be the 2nd time they have came and visited me here in cedar falls. Well 2nd time for him at least. I've given up on being somewhat correct in my grammar here because the keyboard sticks and the F key doesn't work so well so just bare with me.

I'm bored. I really don't have much to say but I need something to occupy my time so I do not drift asleep. Things are going pretty well. Besides me being crazy sick this past week and half things are good. School is shitty just because I have a piss poor schedule. The classes are not hard, just the schedule sucks. I need a new job. Definitely. God I dont even know what to write. I have nothing really to bitch about. hmmmmm. As I Lay Dying is my thematic unit topic as it is a book by Faulkner that several des moines schools teach at the secondary level..I found that exciting. hmmmm I dont have much else. My stomach kills from a) working out yesterday with my trainer b) eating too much junkfood tonight so that I could stay awake. I went tanning today. Ok well yesterday to be exact. That was about the extent o my day after going to class and learning how to search google. I'm so glad I spend 10 grand a year to learn stuff like that. No, seriously.

Ok blah blah blah.
I give up.
This was a pointless post but it occupied, no joke, 10 minutes..becuase I couldn't even stay focused.

oh and I just learned the enter key sticks hard core. sweet. peace.

1 comment:

Andrew Ulm said...

You should stop jizzing on your keyboard and it wouldn't stick all the time.

I've been having it kind of rough though lately. My grandpa is having kidney failure, and had his leg amputated Tuesday. So I've been pretty quiet lately. I'll make a post about it sometime...

Take it easy lady.